Online Content

by JCE June 11, 2017

Contribute to JCE Online

JCE Online is run by the editors and supplements the journal and the publisher’s website.

It is a space that is used to showcase the diversity of content that the journal brings together, as well as to host standalone pieces of writing (or, indeed, image-based content) that relate to the themes of the journal.

We thus encourage proposals for contributions to the site. These can be far looser in style than a conventional journal article. While we welcome longer pieces, contributions can be as short as 500 words.

Ideas for content

  • Photo essays
  • Commentaries on issues of the day
  • Responses to journal articles or review pieces
  • Interviews with authors
  • Reports/podcasts concerning journal-relevant events
  • Material supplementary to published articles
  • …etc

Making a proposal

To propose content to be hosted on the site, email the editor of JCE Online at darrenumney [at]