ANNOUNCEMENT: Changes to our editorial line-up, part 4

by JCE January 26, 2018

We are very pleased to announce that Katy Mason has joined the Journal of Cultural Economy editorial team as an Associate Editor.

Katy Mason is Chair of Markets and Management at Lancaster University Management School. Following a career as a marketing manager, Katy’s research has focused on developing an understanding of how different market actors work out how to organise and collectively manage to make markets. Taking a practice based-approach, Katy has engaged in a number of collaborative research projects with blue chip companies and incubators to develop and perform market-making strategies. Her work has implications for how we conceptualize innovation as connecting organizations and markets in systems of generative, productive activity and economic growth, while generating insights into how market devices, images and expertise combine to innovate management practices that cross traditional organisational boundaries. Katy’s work has been published in the Journal of Management Studies, Industrial Marketing Management, Marketing TheoryJournal of Marketing Management, and Long Range Planning, among other venues.

Katy writes:

JCE is an exciting young journal that is pushing at the frontiers of understanding how economies and markets work. We are seeing papers in this journal that are transforming our understandings of what we might need do to intervene in them to create the kinds of inclusive, marketized societies that we want to be part of. I am delighted to be joining the team of this ground breaking, interdisciplinary journal. It represents a welcome opportunity to support research that creates a certain amount of uncomfortable chaos for our disciplines.

Please extend a warm welcome to Katy as she joins the JCE community!